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Led by Adarsh Jobanputra, our team of seasoned Amazon experts helps brands like yours optimize their listings to succeed on Seller Central.


We’ve created a layered strategy using proven tactics to manage your PPC, SEO, and catalogs — so you can stop worrying about Amazon and start focusing on your business.

Our Mission


Our mission as a company is to give Amazon sellers peace of mind. By driving more traffic and increasing sales, we help brands like yours thrive and stay ahead of the competition.


The ever-evolving world of Amazon Seller Central can be tricky to navigate.


By working with us, you can focus on growing instead of troubleshooting.

Our Vision

Our vision is simple. It’s to help sellers like you on Amazon Seller Central do the following:


  • Grow your sales on Amazon

  • Get peace of mind

  • Combine your PPC, SEO, Design, and Catalog management so they work and thrive together

Join 4,000+ Amazon FBA sellers who have found success with
Ecomadarsh growing their market share.
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